FabSTAT is a reporting program that stands for Fabrication Sorting, Tagging and Tracking that we provide with client fabrication services. The name FabSTAT reflects only a fraction of what this program can actually provide.

The program is designed to provide fabrication details sorted by the following:

  1. Units Report
  2. Sub-assembly Report
  3. Parts Report
  4. Cutlist Report

We have also provided multiple types of field parts reporting based on project need.

The program was developed to solve a client need for a specific project. We developed a process so that the product the client received would be more closely aligned to the in-house process to which they were accustomed.

The reporting functions provided by this program would be beneficial to any customer producing or installing unit walls or stick walls, because every job must be fabricated. The process reduces the likelihood of human error. It automates the production of the different reports for counting and coordination that would typically need to be compiled manually by the detailer, saving significant time, and allowing the detailer to concentrate on production drawings.

The Units Report contains a list, sorted by unit tag number, of all parts associated with that unit, required to build (one) complete unit, as well as a quantity of each unit required, for that release (however that is broken down)

The Sub-assembly Report contains a list of sub-assemblies, with the list of components to build (one) complete sub-assembly, and a list of the locations where that sub-assembly is utilized, along with associated quantities to get a total quantity per sub-assembly, for that release (however that is broken down).

The Parts Report contains a list of all individual parts, with total quantity, finished length, and finishes, along with the location where they occur, to give a summary of the finished quantity of a material required for that release (however that is broken down)

The Cutlist Report contains a list of all individual parts, with total quantity, and finished length, to facilitate material optimizations for that material required (however that is broken down)

FabSTAT is included as part of our fabrication process.