Wheaton Sprague was contacted by the Cleveland Municipal School District when three operable sashes from newly installed vinyl windows from a district school, disengaged from their openings during operation by students. Wheaton Sprague provided forensic diagnosis of these window failures and a comprehensive review of the windows. A field fix for the windows was developed and installed to disable the tilt-in feature of the windows and help prevent any future failures.
Wheaton Sprague also coordinated and observed field air and water testing at the school. As a result of our report, it was determined that further field observations, field testing, and lab testing would be provided at both this school and two other schools representing a cross section of the new installations. Based upon our original report, the inadequacy of the field connections, the failure of the windows during hose testing, and the failure or non-compliance against the ATI lab test report, it was clear that the windows did not meet the requirements of the project specifications and contract documents.